









Electricity Theft Monitoring System

Merely generating more power is not enough to meet the present day requirements. Power consumption and losses have to be closely monitored so that the generated power is utilised in a most efficient manner.Electrical energy theft ranges between 3 - 30% depending on country. This illegal electricity usage may indirectly affect the economical status of our country . Also the planning of national energy may be difficult in case of unrecorded energy usage.Revenue protection is a major concern of electricity utilities all over the world , especially energy theft is growing at an ever increasing pace. Now one of the major problems faced by the energy suppliers like KSEB is the illegal usage of electricity.Electricity theft is a social evil , so it has to be completely eliminated. So our major project named 'Electricity Theft Monitoring System' is focusing on how to detect and monitor the Electricity Theft at a remote KSEB location. The proposed system prevents the illegal usage of electricity. At this point of technological development the problem of illegal usage of electricity can be solved electronically without any human control. Here we use Radio frequency(RF)Technology for wireless communication



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