of Manchester Encoder decoder in VHDL |
is an acronym which stands for VHSIC Hardware Description Language. VHSIC is yet
another acronym which stands for Very High Speed Integrated Circuits VHDL can
wear many hats. It is being used for documentation, verification, and synthesis
of large digital designs. This is actually one of the key features of VHDL, since
the same VHDL code can theoretically achieve all three of these goals, thus saving
a lot of effort. In addition to being used for each of these purposes, VHDL can
be used to take three different approaches to describing hardware. These three
different approaches are the structural, data flow, and behavioral methods of
hardware description. Most of the time a mixture of the three methods are employed.
VHDL is a standard (VHDL-1076) developed by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers). The language has been through a few revisions, and you
will come across this in the VHDL community.
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