by Prasanth » Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:55 pm
1. Traveling-wave tubes Pulse compression devices
2. Crossed-field devices (oscillators and amplifiers) Plasma filled amplifiers and oscillators
3. Klystrons and multiple-beam devices High power microwave devices
4. Inductive output tubes RF directed energy
5. Fast-wave devices (gyrotrons, gyro-amplifiers) Triodes, tetrodes, pentodes, picture tubes, X-ray tubes
6. Free electron lasers and masers Power switches and vacuum interrupters
7. Microwave and millimeter-wave power modules Novel materials (dielectrics, coatings, magnetic materials)
8. Electronic power conditioners Linearity, intermodulation and noise
9. Modulators Miniaturization, micro fabrication techniques
10. Linearizers RF breakdown
11. Systems and Subsystems
12. Analysis and computer modeling Microwave transmitters
13. Thermal power management and control Device and system integration
14. Novel measurement techniques Amplifier/ antenna coupling
15. Cathodes and other electron emitters Reliability and quality management
16. Component parts (guns, circuits, windows, collectors)and packaging
17. Application of Vacuum Electron Devices
18. Defence and Space Process, test and measurement equipments
19. Radar and Telecommunications Materials processing
20. Medicine Microwave power beaming
21. EMI / EMC test sources Novel applications of microwave and RF
22. Particle accelerators
23. High energy physics