1. Prediction of thermodynamic properties of fluids confined in nanoporous media using molecular simulations
2. Experiments and models of interaction and uptake of nanoparticles by cells
3. Technological applications of superhydrophobic coatings: Needs and challenges
4. Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) of nanomaterials
5. Electron tomography and 3D reconstruction tools for nanoparticles
6. Nearest Neighbor Classifiers and Voronoi Diagrams
7. Cell cycle modeling using discrete event systems
8. Statistical Process Control Based Approaches for Chemical Process Monitoring
9. Model Based Techniques for Fault Detection and Diagnosis
10. Molecular simulation study of VLE of caprolactam-water-Nylon 6
11. Reaction-diffusion-advection models for cell migration
12. Systems biology of leukocyte spreading
13. Electrocoalescence
14. Stability of emulsion under shear.
15. Circulating fluidised bed coal gasifiers
16. Experiments and modeling of coal gasification kinetics
17. Stochastic Models of Gene Networks
18. Petroleum Refinery Restructuring Possibilities
19. Differential equation solvers in open source
20. Fault diagnosis using Bayesian networks
21. Green house gases and their impact on the Environment
22. Pressure drop and Pressure fluctuation analysis in Spouted bed columns
23. Pressurized Hot Water Extraction: Application to Herbal Products
24. Risk-based Process Plant Maintenance Management
25. Ammonia & Nitrate removal from water
26. Theromdynamics of the liquid state
27. Perturbation Mehods in Chemical Engineering
28. Thermal fluctuations of vesicles
29. Spontaneous emulsification
30. Particle ordering in colloidal crystals
31. Cracking of dry river beds
These Seminar Topics are taken by students of Bombay IIT.
32. Droplet formation in collision atomization
33. Thermophoresis for aerosol nanoparticle measurement and collection
34. Quantification and Analysis of metabolism